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Want to find out more? Then keep reading...

  • How do we pack our puppy packs?

    We like to keep our 'puppy pack' packaging as eco as the rest of our products ....

    That's why we're the first UK dog food company to offer puppy packs as a refill.....

  • How the heckin' heck?!

    We're glad you asked....

    Once your litter is registered, and your pups are already weaning on Rùn Puppy, you send us evidence of litter size and we send you enough food for each new owner to take 1.5Kg away with them.

    We ship this to you in our large 7.5Kg & 15Kg paper bags and accompany it with a mini leaflet for each new puppy owner.

    When they collect their 8 week old pup, they bring a container with them to decant their food into.

    This means that not only are they starting off with the BEST puppy food around, but they're already on the path to minimise their pup's carbon paw print!

  • What about a new owner discount?

    Oh yes, can't forget the discount!!

    Your lucky puppy owners will each receive 30% off their first 7.5Kg bag of Rùn Puppy, when they order from - using a discount code, personalised to your breeder affix

Contact Rùn today to register